Thursday, October 17, 2013

B'wanna Beast

The other day, while eating dinner, the family was discussing the relative merits of the powers various animal themed superheroes (we crank the geekometer up to eleven). When asked if they could think of any other super heroes with animal powers, my daughter offered enthusiastically "B'wanna Beast!" Because she rocks that hard.

For those that don't know (which I'd wager is most of you), Bwana Beast is one of the most obscure and even more absurd superheroes in DCs stable. His power, according to my daughter, is "he takes one animal and takes another animal and mixes them all up into a more powerfuller animal". Which, grammar aside, is pretty much spot on.

I think the indoctrination is complete. I fear there is nothing more I can teach her.

B'wanna Beast lunch bag art
B'wanna Beast creating a "Dosh" and a "Cowl"

(Incidentally, according to the kids, Black Canary's canary cry trumps Vixen's menagerie of animal powers and Hawkgirl's flight and mace. We didn't get around to asking how B'wana Beasts animal jumbling would fare.)

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