Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New school year. New rules.

Last year was a fun experiment. This year, the ante gets raised.

With my daughter starting kindergarten, I've got two times the bags to illustrate. Also, I'm taking the time to post them online now. And I know that I'm able to accomplish a little more in my half hour time restriction than I would have thought (sometimes). So my expectations are a little higher.

For the next year, I'm pushing for some more stringent goals:

1- 25 minutes per bag. With the blog thrown in, that gives me an hour for each set of bags. (Conveniently, an episodes of The Daily Show and Colbert Report with minimal commercials on Hulu last about 25 minutes each. A single episode became my rough measuring stick last year, so I'm just holding myself tighter to that).

2- More original work. Less simply copying someone else's drawings.

3- More surprises and experiments TBD. I think in October may see the development of a serialized comic story.

As for the kids first day - it seems like it went great. T was a little apprehensive entering school, but ended the day happy. G had to shoo us away; he's an old pro, now. Nobody cried. Not even the parents.

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