Thursday, September 12, 2013

Oh No, Power Rangers!

Thanks to peer influence and a the surprising longevity of the property, my daughter has discovered a thirst for Power Rangers. Much to my chagrin. But as I finished the previous superhero bag (Lego Batman), I was informed that she was also doing sack lunch the following morning. And I needed something that she would find cool, her brother would not, and I could pump out quickly.

The sharp observer and scholar of geek lore will notice that I have made an alteration from the photo reference. Although the actress playing the Yellow Ranger's secret ID is decidedly female, the actor in the yellow suit is decidedly not.

A sharp observer who has a giant hole in his geek knowledge would notice, halfway through drawing this, that the abstract design in the helmet is a tiger.

Yellow Power Ranger lunch bag art
Yellow Power Ranger

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