Saturday, July 27, 2013

In the beginning...

Last year, my son Grayson started kindergarten. I had seen a blog or three by other dads (why no moms, I wonder) doing lunch bag art. And although I'm remarkable poor at persisting at things that require steady, regular effort, I said "I'm going to try this. It would be a nice little tradition. I can do this. Maybe not as good as this guy, but still, I should at least try. Besides, it will give me motivation to do some drawing, which I enjoy but rarely take time for myself to do"

Much to my surprise, I did lunch bag art for my son through the whole year. My son opting for hot lunch two days a week helped. Three bags a week, about half an hour per day (that was a self-imposed rule--to keep keep me from the excuse "I don't have time"). Sometimes I phoned it in, other times I took maybe an hour. Never more than that, though. I enjoyed it. He enjoyed it. By years end, I discovered others at his school where enjoying it, too.

Never did get around to the blogging part of the endeavor, though. So now I'm playing catch up. And I'm going to have to catch up pretty quick. Because Grayson starts 1st grade in a few weeks. And his little sister, Talia, starts Kindergarten. Twice the fun. Enjoy.


  1. This is pretty damn awesome.

    Thanks for going through the trouble of working through posting last year's bags!

    With the double canvas coming up, are you considering using them as a single large canvas?

    1. Thanks Guy.

      I am planning on the occasional diptych. I just sketched one the other night, in fact. How many I do may be heavily influenced on whether or not they get to eat lunch together.
