Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Baglands. Episode 18.

Baglands. Episode 17.

Baglands. Episode 16.

Fruitfliex xubxtitute "x" for "s". Who knew?

Baglands. Episode 15.

Many apologies for the increasingly hard to read text. I wasn't aware how hard these would be to read with the combo of my not fat enough pen and subpar iPhone photos. ( double-clicking will make the pictures bigger, which helps some).

Baglands. Episode 14.

Typically for the story bags, the two bags I do for the kids are pretty much identical in style. But I found after doing the first bag here, I was tired and had spent too much time in the details (so many fruit flies) and just needed to loosen up so I could get it done and get to bed. Curiously, I think I find the looser, bolder, more quickly done version more appealing. I probably ought to learn a lesson from this. But I probably won't.