Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Another day of gouache. Because it was already out. And it seemed better suited to the Valentine's card aesthetic.

Counting Sheep

An artist friend of mine has been working in gouache. I recently saw her work at a show, and marveled at how clean and flat the medium was (or at least her use of it). It looked as much like opaque ink or a print than something done with paint, brush and hand. Also, I was slightly surprised to realize I had never used gouache - didn't know the first thing about this very basic medium.

Fast forward a few months, and I received a basic set of gouache paints from my daughter for Christmas (with a little directional help from my wife). And a set of brushes from my son (with less directional help).

And I felt like pulling them out and getting a sense of them. The *ahem* quality of the brushes were a significant hinderance. But then, goal was more exploratory, anyway. I do not see myself ever producing works in the medium, but I can easily see myself using a dot or stroke to accent works in other media.

Also, as the picture implies, I was very tired. I thought this could be a quick, lazy way out for the evening. Turns out, not so much.

Om Nom

An extra, last minute bag because someone decided that they didn't want hot lunch that day after all.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Baglands. Episode 6.

Tacky the Penguin

Oh the giggles the story of this silly penguin produces from my kids.
Next post returns to the continuing story from the Baglands.


I was running on fumes for a few days, so didn't have time or energy for the next installment of the Baglands story. I expect these intermissions will occur every couple of weeks.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Baglands. Episode 5.

Baglands. Episode 4.

Baglands. Episode 3.


I took less time for "daddy needs a commercial break" to happen than I was expecting.  Also, I am not accustomed to drawing cartoon-me with a beard.

Baglands. Episode 2.

Baglands. Episode 1.

I thought I'd usher in the new year with a new challenge. This is the start of a "comic story on lunch bag" saga. I've only roughly outlined the story, so I'm not yet sure how long the it will continue. I'm pretty sure it should takes us through spring break. 

It's listening to my son read the new installment of the story to my daughter as they gather around the dining room table in the morning.

Despite total lack of documentation, I am doing a duplicate version of each bag (one for each child). 

Looking over the first few pictures of this series, it appears that either the settings on my camera have been nudged, or the viewfinder is smudged. We apologize for the inconvenience.


My daughter went to a birthday party at the zoo. They got to pet a sloth. My white pen marker was giving me a little bit of difficulty, here.

Meanwhile, in Indiana...

My daughter may not know the meme. But I don't think that's a requirement here. And it rings as appropriate one month later now that I'm finally posting it as it did when I drew it.

Old school geekery

Another "thanks" bag for a friend who watched our animals while we were out of town.

Alias from Forgotten Realms